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The Secret About Your "Trouble Zones" They Aren't Telling You

Dec 03, 2018

"I always have this poochy belly..."

"I hate my thick thighs..."

"By butt is too big..."

"I wish my arms looked more defined..."

We all have that one area of our body that drives us nuts and, of course, it always seems like the most stubborn body part to tone, tighten, or taunt into submission. 

Why? Why is there such a thing as a "trouble zone?" And is there anything to be done about it?

Well, while there are a million DVD's and workout programs out there titled things like Chiseled Abs, Thigh Slimmer, and Burn Off That...

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5 Fixes for Chronic Low Energy

Nov 07, 2018

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It seems the ever present assumption... as you get older, you get more run down, more tired, more stressed, and there's really not much you can do about it. It's called "adulting" right?

Even I fell into this trap for a few years. It struck me early, hitting hardest in my early twenties. I constantly felt tired; I couldn't even fathom the idea of waking up without an alarm, let alone waking up feeling energized for the day ahead. I assumed, as many do, that it was just the ever growing...

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5 Daily Habits That Will Change Your Life

Nov 05, 2018

Often times, people assume they have to turn their world upside down and inside out if they want to change their life for the better.

But truth be told, the more overwhelming the shift, the less likely you are to be consistent. And with no consistency, comes no lasting change. 

Which is why I wanted to give you this list of 5 easy-to-implement habits that can truly change your health, your mind, your mood, your energy, and your life for the better. 

1. Eat at least 5 servings of produce.

Most people feel like crap because...

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15 Faster Than Fast Food, Healthy Meal Options

Oct 08, 2018

When stress is high, time is low, and even thinking about what to put together on a plate is panic inducing, I totally understand why fast food seems like the most obvious option. It's convenient, it's cheap, and well... it's fast. 

But you and I both know that if living a healthy lifestyle, weight loss, and/or increased energy are the goals, fast food is not the way to get there.

But that doesn't change the fact that sometimes (or more often than not) even 20 or 30 minutes in the kitchen preparing a meal is too much...

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